
Gospeling One Another in Fight Clubs

Many of us who lead small groups realize that making disciples is more than just having a Bible study and meeting together to fellowship and pray. Accountability and/or discipling one another is an important function within any group where the individuals want to grow to love Jesus more. I've recently hear someone describe it as gospeling one another. Gospeling one another is where you remind each other of the gospel. We are saved in Christ, by grace, through faith, and for the glory of God. As we participate in doing this for one another we are propelled to love God and serve people.

At the retreat I gave you a resource entitled Fight Club: Gospel Centered Discipleship. I encourage you to read it, if you haven't done so already. It will serve as a helpful resource as you begin to develop and/or improve the accountability/discipleship within your small group. Recently a blog has been started for Fight Clubs. It contains resources, tips on how to begin a fight club, gospel-centered questions, and numerous post from others working to develop these communities within their groups.

Check it out at:


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